Looking for a Breeder?
Rabbitry: Lost Brundage Rabbitry
Breeder: Stephany Brundage
Varieties: All recognized colors, Blue, Blue Otter, Opal, Himi, and Tort
Contact: stephany.brundage@gmail.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Poke's Rabbitry
Breeder: Kyla Gierke
Varieties: Black, Black Otter, Chestnut, REW, Sable Marten, Siamese Sable.
Contact: pokesrabbitry@gmail.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Hops N Lops Farm
Breeder: Grace Toy
Varieties: Information not given Contact: hopsnlopsfarm@gmail.com
Rabbitry: Information not given
Breeder: Debbie & Miranda Hilton
Varieties: All recognized colors, Blue, Chocolate, Tort, Himi, and broken
Contact: n2byrds91@gmail.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Moon Phase Farm
Breeder: Tristan Winters & Brittany Huston
Varieties: Black, Otter, Sable Marten, Himi
Contact: 352-277-6727
Website: www.facebook.com/moonphasefarms
Rabbitry: Tasia's Tiny Tot's
Breeder: Tasia Thomas
Varieties: Sable, Smoke Pearl, Siamese Sable Marten, Black, REW, Broken
Contact: Tasia_T@msn.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Wolf’s Rabbits
Breeder: Tara Cargal & Rhonda Wolf
Varieties: Black, Broken, Otter (all varieties), Chestnut, REW, Sable Marten, Siamese Sable and Himi
Contact: twolf311@gmail.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Information not given
Breeder: Karah Boersma
Varieties: Information not given
Contact: seagull553@hotmail.com
Website: None
New Mexico
Rabbitry: Scutaze Farm Rabbitry
Breeder: Alison & Adrienne Lamond
Varieties: Black Otters, Broken
Contact: aml207@aol.com
Website: None
New York
Rabbitry: Eagle Mountain Rabbitry
Breeder: Renee & Caitlin Damoth
Varieties: BEW, REW, Black Otter, and Dutch Marked Specializing in hopping brits
Contact: renee@eaglemt.org
Website: None
Rabbitry: Moonlit Rabbitry
Breeder: Marie Bowles
Varieties: Information not given
Contact: moonlitrabbitry@gmail.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Angel's Echo Rabbitry
Breeder: Noelle Waller
Varieties: Black Otter, Black, REW, Chestnut, Broken
Contact: wallerific1@gmail.com
Website: www.angelsechobunnies.com
Rabbitry: Seraphim Rabbitry
Breeder: Angelina Mclain
Varieties: Black otter, black, chestnut, REW, shaded and BEW
Contact: angelinamclain304@gmail.com
Website: None
Rabbitry: Rabbit Haven
Breeder: Angel Matthews
Varieties: BEW, Black, Himi: all varieties.
Contact: rabbithaven@msn.com
Website: None