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Constitution and Bylaws




This Association shall officially be known as the American Britannia Petite Rabbit Society.



Section 1. To promote, encourage and develop the Britannia Petite Rabbit.
Section 2. To provide membership and assistance to persons interested in the breeding and
showing of the Britannia Petite.
Section 3. To work in close coordination with local clubs (as they become established) and the
ARBA to provide a friendly and informative atmosphere for raising and showing the Britannia
Section 4. This shall be a non-profit organization.



Section 1. Any person, who is interested in Petites, whether actually engaged in raising them or
not, may become a member of this club by payment of the dues, set by the club.
Section 2. The Members and or the President (via recommendation to the Executive
Committee) reserve the right to accept or reject, for any just cause, any application for
membership or renewal.



Section 1. The offices of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice President,
Secretary/Treasurer and six Directors. These nine shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The following offices shall be elected from and by the membership by mail ballot.
The election of President and three Directors biannually for a two year term, in odd years. The
election of Vice President and three Directors biannually for a two year term, in even years.
Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the
Executive Committee, to serve a term of three years.
Section 4. Only adult members, with a minimum of two (2) current consecutive years of
membership in the ABPRS, hold a current membership in the ARBA and be of good standing in
both the ABPRS and the ARBA, shall be eligible to hold an office or seek election to office in the
Section 5. The term for all officers shall begin following the ARBA Convention meeting.
Section 6. Nominations will be accepted by mail during April and May each year of the ARBA
Convention. Officers shall assume office following the Annual ABPRS meeting at the ARBA
Section 7. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment of the President, subject to a
simple majority vote of the Executive Committee.



Section 1. Charges of misconduct may be filed by any member against any other member. They
must be in writing and filed with the Secretary/Treasurer or the President.
Section 2. Any member against whom charges have been filed shall be furnished with a
complete statement of the charges by the Secretary/Treasurer or the President and shall be allowed 30 days to file a reply.
Section 3. The charges, together with the reply, if any has been received, shall be made
available to each Executive Committee Member for consideration. The Executive Committee
may, by simple majority vote, reprimand, suspend, or expel the member.
Section 4. Any member suspended or expelled shall not be eligible for reinstatement within
one year of the date of suspension or expulsion. Reinstatement must be approved by the
Executive Committee.
Section 5. If an officer, director, committee chairperson or committee member does not fulfill
his/her duties or shows lack of interest in club matters, they shall be reviewed in the same
manner as outlined in Section 2 and 3.



Section 1. There shall be at least one meeting per year, held during the National ARBA
Section 2. The President may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors, as necessary, to
conduct the business of the club. Special meetings of the board may be conducted by email or
conference call, a quorum of the board must be in attendance and official voting must be
conducted in a recordable fashion, in writing or via email and the results shall be filed by the



Section 1. Four (4) newsletters per year will be electronically available, to keep members
informed of the progress and current happenings involving the breed. The newsletter will be
electronically available in September, December, March, and June.
Section 2. The second newsletter of each year (December) will include a current membership



Section 1. Any member in good standing may propose amendments to the Constitution.
Section 2. The proposed amendment is to be sent to the Secretary who shall forward it to the
Constitution & By-laws Committee for review of merit or conflictions. If, no conflictions with the
ABPRS or the ARBA are found, the proposal shall be forwarded along with the Committee's
findings to the Executive Committee, within 90 days of receipt by the Constitution Committee.
Section 3. The Executive Committee shall review the proposal for merit. If the Committee finds
favor, a ballot shall be drawn and mailed to each eligible voting member. Polls closure will be
figured at a minimum of 15 days plus the expected date of receipt by the voter.
Section 4. A 2/3 rd majority vote of all ballots returned shall constitute acceptance. The
President shall be notified of the final count. The new proposal shall become effective 30 days
after notification to all members.



Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of this organization, all moneys and/or holdings shall
be given to the ARBA Youth Scholarship Fund.


ADOPTED: April 11, 1990
AMENDED: November 3, 1992 (1)
November 2, 1993 (2)
May 29, 1994 (3)
October 21, 2013 (4)
March 4, 2019 (5)






Section 1. All memberships to be annual and to commence upon payment of dues.
Section 2. Each adult member, or members over the age of 14 in a family membership, who
has held a membership in the ABPRS for at least 6 months immediately preceding the act of
voting is entitled to one vote at ABPRS meetings. Each adult member, or members over the
age of 14 in a family membership, who has held a membership in the ABPRS for at least 6
months immediately preceding the date on which any ABPRS ballot is mailed, is entitled to
vote. Members over the age of 14, who hold a non-family membership, and who have held a
membership in the ABPRS for at least 6 months immediately preceding the act of voting is
entitled to one vote at ABPRS meetings. Members over the age of 14, who hold a non-family
membership, and who have held a membership in the ABPRS for at least 6 months
immediately preceding the date on which any ABPRS ballot is mailed, is entitled to vote.
Section 3. Membership dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board for approval by the
members at the annual meeting. Such dues shall include single, two-party residence, and family
membership. Any ABPRS member in good standing may receive memberships and forward the
fee to the secretary.



Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership or the Executive
Committee. He/she shall appoint all committees, fill all vacancies in office by appointment and
perform such other duties as pertain to the office of President.
Section 2. The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President, in any instance of
his/her absence or disability. In the event of vacancy of the office of President, the Vice
President shall automatically assume the office.
Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive membership applications and issue new
members a membership card and Constitution and By-Laws, within 60 days of receipt of the
application. Shall consult with and advise the Executive Board on any unusual matters. Keep
accurate records of all members, notify all officers and members, as it is appropriate, of the time
and place of all meetings. Shall notify all delinquent members; any member who fails to renew
their membership within sixty (60) days will be dropped from the rolls. Shall conduct
correspondence and other general business of the club when so authorized by the President.
Shall publish membership lists annually. Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by
The President. Shall be custodial of all general funds, shall maintain a bank account in the name
of the ABPRS and maintain a set of records suitable for the Executive Committee. Shall submit
an oral report at each regular meeting of the club and publish annually a written financial
report. Shall receive all moneys due to the club and shall pay all debts that are justified for the
successful operation of the club.
Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have the power to transact the business of the club,
act upon charges brought before them, formulate rules and decide all questions of policy
brought before them.



Section 1. The President shall appoint all committees subject to the approval of a simple
majority of the Executive Board. Executive members must respond within 10 days of appointment notification.
Section 2. Any special committee deemed advisable by the President may be appointed for that
particular function and upon completion of their assignment shall automatically be discharged.
Section 3. Standing committees shall consist of:
1) Constitution and By-laws Committee: Shall continuously monitor the Constitution
and By-Laws to insure their current effectiveness and continuity; receive and review and
act upon any proposals, for correct grammar and conflicts with the current document or
the ARBA; prepare and send a current copy to the Secretary annually; make suggestions
for revisions as deemed necessary
2) Auditing Committee: To be composed of two members in good standing who shall
audit the books annually and furnish a report to the Secretary and the Executive
3) Show Committee: Shall receive bids for the National Specialty Show, assist the host
club to insure the show rules are adhered to and help to and procure awards, adopt
and/or follow procedures necessary for the smooth and efficient running of the Show.
4) Election Committee: Members may not be a candidate for any office. Duties are to
receive petitions for office, prepare, receive and count the ballots, maintain a record of
received ballots, file cast ballots for one year after each election.
5) Standards Committee: Members of this committee are to be reputable breeders
currently engaged in the breeding of the Britannia Petite rabbit. One of the members is
to be an ARBA Judge or licensed ARBA Registrar. Duties are to monitor the Standard of
Perfection for the Britannia Petite rabbit and make suggested changes and revisions
necessary to the Standards for clarification to insure adequate and proper judging, to
work closely with the ARBA Standards Committee, to keep membership abreast of any
proposed changes, to prepare, issue and receive ballots to/from the membership for
acceptance or rejection on any changes.



Section 1. All Candidates for office in the ABPRS must be an adult member, with a minimum of
two (2) current consecutive years of membership in the ABPRS, hold a current membership in
the ARBA and be of good standing in both the ABPRS and the ARBA.
Section 2. The nominations for office must be in writing, and submitted to the Election
Committee Chairperson during the months of April & May. Ballots are to be mailed first
class postage to all adult members and members over the age of 14 years old who have held
a membership in the ABPRS for at least 6 months immediately preceding the ballot mailing
date. Returned ballots must be received at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the start of
the National ARBA Convention.
Section 3. All voting must be done in person or by mail.



Section 1. The rules of parliamentary procedure comprised in Roberts Rules of Order shall
govern the proceedings of the American Britannia Petite Society. "Unless otherwise specified in
the Constitution and By-Laws of the ABPRS." The Vice President shall be responsible for
maintaining parliamentary order and shall be provided with a copy of Roberts Rules of Order by
the club.



Section 1. The order of business shall be:
1. Call to order and welcome 8. Unfinished business
2. Roll call of officers 9. New business
3. Reading of the minutes 10. Adjournment
4. Treasurer's report
5. Election results
6. Report of Officers
7. Report of Committees



Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at the Annual Meeting, Special meeting, and/or the
National Specialty Show provided all proposals are printed in the newsletter at least 60 days
before said event.

Section 2. Any member in good standing of the ABPRS may propose an amendment to the By-
Laws. The amendment shall be sent to the Constitution & By-Laws Committee Chairperson who

shall forward said copy to each Executive Board member along with any recommendations,
within 30 days of receipt.
Section 3. The By-Laws may be amended by a simple majority of all eligible voting members
returning a ballot.
Section 4. Ballots are to be mailed no later than 60 days prior to the meeting. Ballots returned
by mail must be postmarked no later than 30 days prior to the meeting.
Section 5. A simple majority vote shall constitute acceptance and the proposal shall become
effective immediately upon passage.


ADOPTED: April 11, 1990
AMENDED: November 3, 1992 (1)
November 2, 1993 (2)
May 29, 1994 (3)
October 21, 2013 (4)
March 4, 2019 (5)

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